english version


C a s e   S t u d i e s

Chapelle de la Vieille Charité, Marseille (France)

This mission was conducted within the context of the various tests carried out on heritage buildings. The aim was to generate a full 3D model of the chapel, and an orthophotography of the main wall.

The site was chosen because of its particular acquisition conditions, at the same time favorable (the two-floors gallery surrounding the courtyard) and restricting (high level luminosity, homogeneous textures).

The survey, concerning exclusively the outer layer of the church, was made with the NIKON D3X (24 megapixels) and a 24mm lens.

All in all, 170 photographies were necessary to describe the whole building (except the roofs, hard to acquire in spite of the possibility to be positioned high.) The final model consists in seventeen different clouds.

Download PDF version of Chapelle de la Vieille Charité case study (5.7 mo)

french version

Photographic acquisition, computer processing and documentation: Nicolas Nony
